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Guatemala City
Guatemala City is a city that mixes the old and the new, the green and the urban, the local and the global. You can discover its culture, history, and nature, from the ancient gold museum to the modern street art. You can also enjoy its lively nightlife, its delicious cuisine, and its friendly people. Guatemala City is a city that will surprise you with its diversity and charm.

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Guatemala City offers a diverse culinary landscape, and exploring its supermarkets and food markets is an excellent way to experience the local flavors and ingredients. Here's a glimpse into what you can discover:
Supermarkets: The city is home to modern supermarkets like La Torre, Walmart, and Supermercados Paiz, where you can find an extensive selection of fresh produce, international products, and local specialties. These supermarkets provide a convenient one-stop-shop experience for all your grocery needs.
Mercado Central: For a truly authentic Guatemalan market experience, head to the Central Market. Here, you'll encounter a bustling hub of activity with vendors selling a wide array of products, from fresh fruits and vegetables to traditional spices and herbs. Don't forget to sample local snacks and street food like tamales and atole.
Mercado de Artesanías: This market, located near the National Palace of Culture, is known for its artisanal products and textiles. You can also find an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as street food stalls serving up delicious local dishes.
Plazuela España: If you're in search of local and organic produce, Plazuela España is the place to go. This market offers a range of fresh, high-quality fruits, vegetables, and more, providing a taste of Guatemala's agricultural diversity.
Street Markets: Throughout the city, you'll come across smaller neighborhood markets that offer a glimpse into daily life in Guatemala. These markets provide a chance to interact with locals and sample traditional snacks and street food.
Exploring these markets not only allows you to shop for ingredients and products but also offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Guatemalan cuisine and culture. Whether you're looking for fresh, locally sourced ingredients or simply want to savor the flavors of Guatemala, the city's supermarkets and markets are a feast for the senses.

Places to stay in Guatemala City

Things to do in Guatemala City, Guatemala

Guatemala City Travel Guide: Hotels, Flights and Activities

Guatemala City is the capital of Guatemala and a dynamic city with a rich history and culture. Learn how to plan your ideal trip to Guatemala City with our travel guide, including the best hotels, flights and activities.

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